Position: Frontend Architect at Block 21

Primary frontend architect and implementer of Farmgod Cloud, aka Braiins OS Manager My role was mainly focussed around designing and implementing the frontend architecture of the Farmgod management app, part of this involved designing backend and devops processes (hence "architecture") for Block21 Gmbh, who partnered with Braiins in 2020 in a joint venture to build a cloud based farm management solution for cryptocurrency mining. The primary frontend tech we used was VueJS with flux based state management.


Building the frontend application from scratch with Vue JS. Based on an earlier prototype written in PHP I rewrote the frontend as a pure single page application written in Vue JS.
Developed complex wizards and forms in Vue with unit and e2e tests The ability to create farms and configure them is a key part of the product, crypto mining is in many ways complex and hence the forms required are also complex. Managing side effects and validation state caused by form submissions in such forms is tricky. That's where forward only state (like Vuex) is really handy.
Containerizing the frontend Using multi step docker container to get a highly optimized image build.
Designing the CI pipeline Using my past experience with CI, I designed the CI workflow to enable rapid delivery of multiple variations of the product.
Aggregating high volumes of data with stored procedures I designed and implemented a pure SQL stored proc program to enable agreggation of high volumes of statistical data. Ask me about windowing functions!
Optimising the Python backend for high volume realtime streaming I refactored postgres schema and async processes in python to enable high volume queue draining of live stats.
Remote Working Since b21 are based in Europe, I've carried out the entire job remotely, with daily standup meetings conducted online.


  • Docker
  • SPA development with Vuejs
  • Frontend TDD
  • Frontend Architecture
  • Gitlab & Git
  • Interviewing candidates
  • Mentoring developers
  • Coding Python
  • Coding Stored Procedures